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If you would like to be notified when a new retreat date is selected,
please complete this short form.
When registering, you will be required to log-in using your email associated with your APHSA membership profile. There is a slight delay after signing in.
Note: If you do not have a profile, you will be required to create one in order to register for the retreat.
Questions on registration profiles should be directed to Max Daniel at memberservice@aphsa.org.
NOTICE: Registering for this meeting is an agreement to pay the stated fees. If you register prior to receiving travel approval and you do not attend the conference, your organization will be responsible for payment of the registration fees.
All registration fees are due at the time of registration with a credit card. If they can’t be paid by credit card, they must be paid prior to the start of the conference or a Purchase Order must be on file.
Cancellation Policy for Registration
All cancellation requests must be received in writing by the early registration deadline. No refunds will be available after this date. We will not accept cancellation requests by phone. A $80 cancellation fee will be assessed for both pre-paid registrations and for those invoiced on a purchase order. All refunds will be available after the conference. Registration fees for “no shows’ will not be refunded.
For questions regarding logistics (housing, meeting arrangements) please contact Donna Jarvis-Miller at (202) 866-0569 or djarvis-miller@aphsa.org or Marie Comito at (202) 866-0571 or mcomito@apsha.org.